A flower bed is a part of a lawn that is specially prepared for growing flowers and other ornamental plants. These flowers are usually grown to make your yard more colorful and attractive. However, sometimes you need to remove one for various reasons. So, how do you remove a flower bed and how difficult a task is it?
Removing a flower bed entails taking out all of the wanted and unwanted plants alike. All root systems must be extracted and if not a herbicide needs to be applied. The soil underneath should be leveled and conditioned for turf or other uses. Sod is the easiest way to transform the areas to turf.
In this article, you will learn how to remove an existing flower bed and how to dig up the mulch and dirt. Meanwhile, it is essential you know the cost of removing the flower bed because you might need the service of a professional.
So, let’s dig in (pun intended)!

How To Remove A Flower Bed
The need to remove a flower bed becomes necessary when you have perennial plants that have overgrown on the bed, or you see the need to change the plant species. It could also be the case that you need the space for other activities, features or structures.
There are 6 steps to removing a flowerbed and get the soil ready for turf grasses.
- Clear out the weeds
- Remove and save all usable plants
- Apply herbicide to kill unseen roots and weeds
- Prepare and level the ground
- Add rich soil or compost
- Dispose of yard waste
Whatever the reason, you should follow these steps. Let’s look at them a little closer below:
- Get Rid of the Weeds
Getting rid of the weeds will help you have a clearer view of the flower bed so that you easily spot the flowers you wish to replant. Sometimes overgrown beds will have loosely defined edges making it hard to decide what needs to be dug up.
Taking care of tall and unruly plants can help you see where the bed actually begins and ends.
You should start by uprooting the tall weeds with your hands and also use a garden trowel to free their roots from the ground. You can then use the garden trowel to remove the short weeds too.
- Remove the Overgrown Plants
Having gotten rid of the weeds, you should look out for the overgrown plants on the bed and dig them out. You may either choose to dispose of them or give them a new home in your yard or the property of someone wanting them for their beds.
You can uproot the rest of the plants in the flower bed and keep them aside for replanting.
- Apply Weed Killer on the Cleared Floor
This step is necessary to prevent the weeds from growing back. The roots of many of the weeds that are removed by hand still have remnants under the surface.
For weeds to return, many species only need a small section of their root systems to be left.
You can apply herbicide to prepare the soil for successful transition to lawn and turf grasses.
The easiest and most cost effective solution is Roundup Concentrate Max Control 365 Vegetation Killer, found on Amazon.
- Prepare the Ground
Future lawn and turf grasses need to be prepared on a well-set ground and to achieve this, you should rake through the ground to get rid of the roots and pieces of the old plants taken up earlier.
Also, it can be a good idea to use a tiller to get rid of the rocks. If you don’t have one, you can rent them from your local equipment rental store.
- Enrich the Soil
After the ground has been cleared and leveled, you must add a layer of compost or rich soil so it becomes fertile for plant and grass growth.
Adding a 2 inch layer of compost, leaf mold, or manure on the flower bed ground is enough. Doing this will provide the essential nutrients needed for plants to grow in the soil.
Alternatively, there are soils and soil conditioners that can also be used.
Whichever option you choose, it is important to work the material into the existing dirt and level the area.
- Get Rid of the Yard Waste
Having done everything, there is the possibility that a lot of dirt and plant debris will have accumulated, so you must keep the yard clean.
A shovel and a rake should do the trick while you get a wheelbarrow to haul the wastes away. Much of this waste can be used for composting. If this is not an option for you, most municipalities have specified times to collect yard waste. Check with your local government agencies to find out the procedure in your area.
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How Do You Dig Up A Flower Bed?
Starting at one side of the bed, use a flat spade to dig down about 4 to 5 inches (10 to 13cm) which is normally equivalent to the depth of the bed. Then, turn the soil over so that its top is facing the bottom of the area you dug. You should continue with this process moving from side to side till the whole bed is dug up.
If the reason you want to dig up the flower bed is that the plants have overgrown and you need to replant, then you should follow these instructions:
- Dig around the edge of the flowers’ roots with a spade and separate them from the rest.
- While digging, you should ensure there is enough soil around their roots and then store them in a cool place.
- You may consider covering the roots with a bag, so they don’t dry up. But if you are unsure of when you will be replanting, then you can plant them temporarily in a safe place till you prepare a new flower bed.
- You can use the rest of the flower beds that you no longer need to make a compost heap. This compost heap is a part of organic materials that can decay. It will be useful in improving the soil when preparing a new flower bed.
How Much Does It Cost To Remove a Flower Bed Professionally?
It takes a lot of time and effort to remove a garden bed. Most people don’t have the time or energy to carry out the task themselves. This is when you should hire a professional or a company specializing in yard cleaning to do it for you.
There are several yard cleaning companies that offer flower bed removal services, and the cost for their services vary.
After going through many of these companies, I was able to figure out the cost of removing a garden yard. Keep in mind that the cost primarily depends on the size of the bed.
Typically, the removal of garden beds involves activities like debris clean-up, weed removal, uprooting of crops, raking, and more.
The average cost of removing a garden bed is $45 – $70 per hour. Meanwhile, if you want the landscaper to prepare a new flower bed or lawn turf area, this will be an additional expense. A one-time service is estimated to cost around $200 to $300.
The cost of other related services like lawn care and tree service ranges between $50 to $100 per hour. An entire garden service costs between $2000 to $5000.
Factors contributing to the cost of garden bed removal include; garden condition, garden size, debris type, waste removal, and time.
- Garden Size – the larger the size of the garden bed, the higher the price.
- Garden Condition – A garden bed that hasn’t been tended to in a long time might cost more to remove.
- Debris Type – Debris that is more difficult to clear will cost more. Small trees and aged bushes can be some of these.
- Waste Removal – If the landscaper disposes of the waste for you, it will cost more.
- Time – Paying hourly means paying more if the work is very time-consuming.
You can get estimates on the entire job rather than simply pay by the hour, but the hourly rate is still the same. The cost of the labor and all materials are simply included in the estimated cost.
The Final Touches On How to Remove a Flower Bed…
Whether it is to enlarge the usable area in your lawn or to remove a bed that has become an eyesore, many choose this as a weekend or week long task. It is a fairly straightforward process if all of the former plant material is removed without leaving behind remnants of root systems.
Disposing of the debris can also be another hassle, but using a professional crew or coordinating your work with local yard waste pickup times can help.
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