Are you trying to get rid of some weed you found on your lawn using Glystar Plus and don’t know how to mix or apply it? Don’t worry; it is not hard to find the right Glystar Plus mix ratio.
Glystar Plus can be mixed at a ratio of 2/3 fl oz to 1 gallon for a 0.5% concentration ratio up to 13 fl oz per gallon for a 10% ratio. The amount of the active ingredient glyphosate needed will depend on the types of plants to be controlled and the size of the area to be covered.
Aside from knowing the proper Glystar Plus mix ratio, you need to know what it’s made of, its effect, and how to use it. Let’s find out.

How Much Glystar Plus Does It Take To Kill Grass?
The amount of Glystar Plus needed to kill plants, including grass, differs based on their species and size. Glystar Plus works by entering plants through their foliage and then moving to their roots to inhibit further growth.
For plants that are not so tough, about 3 fluid ounces (6 tablespoons) is enough. However, you would need about 6 fluid ounces (12 tablespoons) for thicker and tougher plants. The concentration depends on the size of the area to be covered, the plant density, and plant type.
This substance stops a specific enzyme pathway, preventing the plants from creating proteins they require for growth. The bigger and thicker a plant is, the longer it will take to absorb Glystar Plus.
What Is The Ratio To Mix Glyphosate?
Mixing glyphosate with water is just a way for the substance to cover a larger area. Therefore, the water ratio depends on the area you want to cover and how tough the plants you want to kill are.
The appropriate ratio to mix glyphosate (Glystar Plus) is 3-6 fluid ounces to 1 gallon of water, depending on the toughness of the weed you’re trying to kill. This mixture should spread over about 300 square feet. There are also varying concentrations that are possible.
For greater or lesser concentrations, their are recommended mixing rates listed in their labeling documentation. Here is a summary chart based on their recommendations:
Glystar Plus Concentration Amounts
Volume | 0.5% | 1.5% | 2% | 2.5% | 5% | 10% |
1 gallon | 2/3 fl oz | 1 1/3 fl oz | 2 fl oz | 2 2/3 fl oz | 6-1/2 fl oz | 13 fl oz |
25 gallons | 1 pt | 1 qt | 1 1/2 qt | 2 qt | 5 qt | 10 qt |
100 gallons | 2 qt | 1 gal | 1 1/2 gal | 2 gal | 5 gal | 10 gal |
So, if you have a larger area to cover, ensure to increase the water content and Glystar Plus. Also, consider the size of your sprayer and how much it can contain.
Most companies that use glyphosate in their herbicide will have a specific mix ratio on their product label depending on the species of your target weed.
Ensure to mix your herbicide in a tank sprayer. The tank should preferably be made from plastic, aluminum, stainless steel, fiberglass, or plastic-lined steel.
How Do You Mix Glystar Plus?
As with most mixes used in a sprayer or other equipment the way you mix it is sometimes important. I personally have had to empty sprayers, clean them, and start again due to one recurring problem that arises from adding components in the wrong sequence.
It is important with many chemicals like Glystar Plus to add in water before adding in the compound or solution. This is due to the tendency of large amounts of ‘suds’ that sometimes can be created, taking up volume, and ruining the concentration amounts of your water to chemical ratio.
It is best to mix the solution directly in the sprayer you plan to use, but to be certain to account for the ratio and add the proper amount of Glystar Plus after adding the water.
If too much of a foaming layer occurs, the ratio could be off due to improper mixing, the loss of chemical through removed suds, or inadequate water inclusion.
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How Do I Apply Glystar Plus?
If this product only comes in concentrated solutions, how is it supposed to be applied? Most of us know of pump sprayers in the handheld, backpack, and wheeled varieties. There are even larger versions for farmers and even forestry applications. But how do I as a homeowner or a small lawn crew apply Glystar plus?
Glystar Plus should be applied in the proper concentrations from a pump or electric sprayer that can moderate distribution. Calm weather and wind is also desirable. It should be done when weeds have emerged, but before they have grown to their strongest on most mature state.
Let’s look at what the process entails a bit more closely.
Add your desired amount of water into your sprayer first. Afterward, mix in the Glystar Plus according to the amount of water you used and the area you plan to cover.
After mixing the herbicide with water, you might notice a little foam; this is normal.
If your spray tank does not mix substances on its own, you can stir the mixture lightly. You do this to ensure that the glyphosate and water are mixed adequately so you can get the best results possible.
When To Apply
You can apply Glystar Plus to weeds when you notice they are actively growing. If possible, use when the weeds are small and have not formed seeds.
If you want the best result from using this substance, be sure to use it when the weather is warm and sunny, preferably at a temperature of 60°F and above.
Also, be sure to spray when the air is calm and there is almost no wind. The best times to spray would be early in the morning or around sunset.
Alternatively, you can check wind forecasts on weather channels or websites to help decide the best time to spray.
You can reduce the pressure by using a pump-up or back-pack sprayer. This will increase the size of the droplet, making it less likely to drift.
Safety When Applying Glystar Plus
You are taking all these precautions to avoid the substance drifting to plants you want to keep or your skin, eyes, and other parts of your body.
When applying Glystar Plus, ensure you spray the weeds or grasses you want to kill correctly. Ensure the plants are thoroughly wet before you stop spraying.
However, remember that Glystar Plus kills all plants regardless of if you want it to or not, so be careful when spraying. To ensure the safety of plants you desire, you can shield them using a cardboard plastic, sheet, or any other solid material you can hold up.
If you accidentally spray plants you don’t want to kill, rinse them with water immediately after.
Two hours after applying Glystar Plus, you can go back to watering your plants as usual because the chemical has already settled in, and it won’t lose effectiveness. This applies to rainfall as well.
If you plan to clear your pre-existing lawn and start over with ornamentals flowers, shrubs, or trees, wait for about 24 hours after you apply.
What Is Glyphosate?
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Glystar Plus and many other herbicides. It has was registered as an herbicide (or post-emergent) in 1974 in the United States, and it is also well used worldwide.
The many herbicide products containing glyphosate come in concentrate, liquid, and solid forms. You can apply glyphosate using wiper applicators, controlled droplet applicators, aerial sprays, broadcaster sprays, and shielded sprayers.
If you are looking for an alternative to Glystar Plus, Roundup makes a product that is over 50% Glyphosate. It can be ordered from Amazon at this link.
Glyphosate As A Drying Agent
Some people also use glyphosate in its purest as a crop desiccant. Desiccants are used to maintain dryness and dehydration wherever they are used.
You can use glyphosate to dry crops before harvesting them. By doing this, you can increase your harvesting speed and yield. However, it is not the best or even a true desiccant, and it only acts like one when used on crops.
Bacteria easily break down glyphosate and other substances found in Glystar Plus into natural materials that enrich the soil. Glyphosate, specifically, binds to the soil, and it can stay bound for up to 6 months depending on climate and soil type.
Pure glyphosate is not toxic and has no adverse effects on humans and animals. It rarely passes through the skin, but when it does, your body passes it out as urine or feces. You can even eat crops that have residue of glyphosate in them.
Glyphosate Cautions
However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at WHO suggests that glyphosate is could be carcinogenic.
Also, products that use glyphosate usually have other ingredients that make the products toxic.
These products can cause eye, nose, throat, or skin irritation. If you accidentally swallow any of these products, you could experience increased saliva, a burning sensation in your mouth, as well as diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea,
Also, pure glyphosate has been known to have potential risks for birds and is of low toxicity to honey bees.
The Final Touches On Glystar Plus Mix Ratios…
The type of plants, area to be covered, and weather conditions all play major roles in the mixing ratios of Glystar Plus. Hopefully you now have a good idea on how to proceed with your battle against the ever-present weed.
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